Tuesday, 2 February 2016

One day Workshop on “Innovative Techniques in Teaching and Learning for Professionals - US Perspective” , 5th February, 2016

Dear Sir/Madam,
 Please circulate this CFP to your students, colleagues and networks. Thank you for your kind attention.

One day Workshop on
 “Innovative Techniques in Teaching and Learning for Professionals - US Perspective” 
hosted by
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Holy Grace Academy of Engineering
Mala, Thrissur Dt, Kerala, India

On 5th February, 2016

Topics to be covered:

Enjoyable intro to coding
Teaching Time Complexity - practical approach
Learning problem solving skills using contest problems
Evolution of Software industry
Resource Person:
Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy, University of Texas, Dallas, USA
Staff: 300 INR
Students: 200 INR
Kindly confirm your participation at http://goo.gl/forms/L4ICxdcf7F
On or before 3rd February 2016
Limited seats only
 Expected Participants:
Faculty members
PG Students
UG Students
 For more details:
Prof. T.D..Subash
Holy Grace Academy of Engineering
Mala, Thrissur Dt, Kerala, India
Contact: +91 9447691397

Program Schedule:
9.00 am to 10.00 am: Registration
10.00 am to 10.30 am: Inaugural Function
10.30 am to 11.30 am : Enjoyable intro to coding
11.30 am to 11.45 am: High Tea
11.45 am to 1.00 pm : Teaching Time Complexity - practical approach
1.00 pm to 2.00 pm : Lunch Break
2.00 pm to 3.00 pm : Learning problem solving skills using contest problems
3.00 pm to 3.30 pm: Evolution of Software industry
3.30 pm to 3.45 pm: Interactive session
3.45 pm: Certificate Distribution

with regards,
T.D.Subash M.E.,(Ph.D), MIEEE, MIPS, MEDS
Chairman - IEEE Photonics Society Madras Chapter
Vice-Chairman - IEEE EDS Coimbatore Chapter
Secretary - IEEE MAS Young Professionals
IEEE madras section
Tamilnadu, India.
Ph.No: +91 9486881397,+91 9447691397

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